Come into your peace

                                                  It’s waiting for you

                                                                 From within.

Lisa Wolfe

Member: Sevalight Associate (20+ years)

American Holistic Nursing Association (20+ Years)

National Certification for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, Board Certified (20+ years)

Certified Nurse Midwife (30+ years)

Registered Nurse (40+ years)

Pure Spiritual Healer, Intuitive Counselor, and    Animal Healer (20 years)

Trained at the International SevaLight Centres for Pure Meditation Healing and Counselling, established by her spiritual teacher Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma.

Lisa lives in Northern Michigan for in-person classes and appointments, and will consider travel.

You are warmly invited to virtual classes/appointments available to you.

Meet Lisa

Lisa is a writer, poet, healer, educator, and nurse who has traveled an exceptional journey listening, loving, serving, and believing in the good inherent in all living creatures. She works with businesses, individuals, management teams, and health care providers within life’s challenges. Lisa’s classes and appointments can help you find your unique contribution and joy multiplying the potential of peace everywhere.

Join Lisa to explore how we can bring more love, peace, courage, and joy into this beautiful world we call home. Together, we will find ways to bring more healing and more love to ourselves and each other through our everyday lives. All creatures are looking for us to rise, shine, and consider possibilities. Every day.

“Faith goes up the stairs that love has made.

And looks out the window

Which hope has opened…”

— Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma; Live in the Light

Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma is the founder and sovereign leader of Sevalight Centres for Pure Meditation, Healing, and Counseling, and patron of the Self Realization Sevalight Associates Worldwide. A beloved Guru, God Realized Master, she has given her life to teaching others how to apply spiritual practices within every day, practical living. Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma helps all who wish to know their personal relationship to their Divine Source, true self, and life fulfillment. This anchor of love is especially important throughout our current rapidly changing world. By example, Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma has shown people the power of unconditional love, wisdom, and faith while navigating every day life with peace, wisdom, and joy.

Available Classes

For our beautiful world

    Take care of yourself.

    Take care of your loved ones.

    Together, we can change the world.

Gratitudes: Life Giving Its Best

Come learn the practice of Gratitudes. It has the power to change your life. By being in touch with the beauty of life that exists alongside our challenges, we become aware of what is good and true in our lives; what is lasting. It helps us become aware of all that we have, showing us how to connect to our creativity and acceptance of ourselves and others. Gratitude is a cousin to faith and kindness. It is like a friend, ever waiting to lead us on a journey finding beauty within all things, with good humor and a fervent peace. Join our class to learn to walk with the wisdom of Gratitudes.

Pure Meditative Peace

Come. Learn to still your mind. There’s a lot of stress in the world these days.
Pure Meditative Peace is for anyone who wants to begin a personal practice of cultivating peace from within. It helps bring more stillness, patience, and focus into our lives, leading to more satisfaction in all we do. This class is for all individuals, families, workplace communities, friends, and lovers, including anyone of all ages. Pure Meditative Peace will help you begin to find new ways of relating to your world. This class will help you to discover the beauty that that awaits you in the quiet. 

The Inside Story: Seasons of Life

Life brings surprises and change. Become a master of your decisions and responses to them. This course is about transitions, meeting new life that is emerging, with respect for our true self, honoring what transformation life is offering us. Through the power of change, we will explore a new approach to life with more authenticity and confidence. We will learn how to meet life’s challenges with understanding.

*Transitions such as: new home, starting a new family, marriage and relationships, family changes, age transitions, workplace/career changes, birth and death passages, and other new beginnings.

Energy Care and Wellbeing for You: For Our Workplace and Ourselves

There is more unrest in the world than ever before. In the workplace, at home, and within ourselves. Negativity is showing up everywhere. Learn how to care for your energy to be a force for good and for peace. You will find effective tools to help you find your way through life’s challenges with composure and confidence. Using these tools will help us find more balance in our lives.

Energy Care and Well Being Flyer

Understanding Death and Passing for Everyone: To Ease Your Mind

We all wonder about what happens when people die. What will happen to us or our loved ones when the time comes? Come explore the true reality of death and passing. This class will open a door of understanding and assurance for a new way of living our treasured moments. Every day.

Understanding Death and Passing Flyer

Health Advocacy: Your Healthcare Road Map

This class will help you sort out your priorites and questions navigating our healthcare system. If you need help understanding your partnership alongside your providers, this class is for you. As a member of your healthcare team we will explore communicating your interests and priorities. If interested, you will recieve help creating a document for your birth or death/passing plan to share with your family and provider.

Upcoming Events

Gratitudes: Life Giving Its Best| Maple Grove Rd., Lake Ann, Michigan | June 8, 2024 | 1:00pm- 3:00pm
Pure Meditative Peace| Maple Grove Rd., Lake Ann MI | June 15, 2024 | 1:00pm- 6:00pm
Energy Care and Wellbeing for Everyone| GilChrist Retreat Center | June 22, 2024 | 10:00am- 4:00pm
Understanding Death and Passing for Everyone| Apple Farm, Three Rivers, Michigan | June 23, 2024 | 1:00pm- 6:00pm
Animal Healing Clinic| Kalamazoo, Michigan| June 24, 2024 |1:00pm- 5:00pm

Healing & Counseling

Love Changes Everything:




Pure Spiritual Healing

Coming from the divine source through the healer, people receive the direct flow of spiritual healing available to everyone. Through Pure Spiritual Healing, we open to the healing source from within. We become aware of how to live life with more balance, understanding, and responsibility for ourselves. You will be given tools to help live life more fully tending to your mind, body, and spirit.

Animal Healing

Animals know how to be who they are. They teach us about unconditional love. Animal healing helps to enhance the quality of life for you and your animal. Healing opens the animal to their own internal healing power within. Animal healing uses the animal’s internal mind, body, and spirit processes while connecting to the divine source of healing.

Intuitive Counseling and Coaching

This counseling is for all people who need help managing life from time to time, by using intuitive wisdom. Along with guidance and coaching, you will be given tools to help you establish more balance as you move through life’s transitions. You will learn to listen to your true self and care for it.

Virtual or in person appointments/classes; individuals or groups.


Charges may vary over time and will be posted. Please let Lisa know if you need help with costs. 

1-2 Hour Classes | $135
Individual | $150
Pure Meditative Peace | $145
5-6 Hour Seminar | $160
Individual | $480
Pure Spiritual Healing - 1st Appointment | $100 60 min session
Continuing Appointment | $85 75 min session
Animal Healing | $45 30 min session
Intuitive Counseling and Coaching | $85 60 Minute Session

Gift Shop

Beautiful Cards for You

Treat Yourself to a Gift for Others


Minimum 8 cards per order. E-mail Lisa with corresponding image names to place an order.

Postage additional cost. High quality image resolution and paper; 6.5″ x 4.5″.

Upcoming memoir “through noble eyes” set for publication summer 2024. stay tuned.

Testimonials: Stories told

“Remember ~ all your experiences are 

“Stepping stones not stumbling blocks so make good use of them.

Our lives are short lived so live each day well.” 

Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma; Live in the Light

Lisa has the ability to create a space that is inviting, allowing one the opportunity to share in a safe, loving, environment. Her wisdom and comfort is in counsel with the divine. I’ve worked with Lisa through Intuitive Counseling and Pure Spiritual Healing, receiving tools and consolation that help me remember the best of who I am in the challenges of life. She has counseled me with various difficulties within the medical system, one on one, with Health Advocacy. She understands me and is attuned to helping me in ways that matter most to me. I find internal assurance and strength, including with the upcoming passing of my loved one. Simply put, she understands and helps me find my way. I am grateful for our time together.

Linda B-B.

After both of my elderly parents passed away in the same year, I felt drawn to take Lisa Wolfe’s course, Understanding Death & Passing.

As a compassionate healer and teacher, Lisa offered valuable, transformative tools to help connect more closely with my Creator and process my grief on a deeper, spiritual level. Her knowledge of the stages of death, dying and passing affirmed what I had witnessed and also what was not visible to my eyes but felt in my heart. I’m deeply thankful for the healing and learning I received from my work with Lisa. Most of all, I treasure the ability to move forward with unconditional love, forgiveness, and gratitude as I use these tools daily to live more fully and joyfully in each moment.

Marianne Z.

I was fortunate enough to have Lisa come to my home for a session with my 11 year old Boxer mix, Diesel. He had become ill quite quickly. He was diagnosed with cancer. Despite veterinary care, he continued to be listless and declining. Lisa lovingly laid hands on Diesel with Animal Healing and he was immediately relaxed with her. Afterward she explained that he may be tired. He was more tired than usual that day and he took a long nap that afternoon. I laid down with him (he liked to stretch out on the king size bed which he seemed to think was purchased just for him) after a couple hours. Since becoming ill he did not want to snuggle as much as usual. At 628pm, he opened his eyes, looked at me and came to rest his head on my shoulder. He then did a ” wap, wap” which is what we call it when he would wag his tail and smack the mattress. It had been a while since he had had enough energy to do that. He seemed to have an inner peace that wasn’t there before. Sadly, he did pass away 12 weeks later. I know he would have passed sooner without his Animal Healing with Lisa. I had asked her several times when I would know when it was time to send him along. She assured me he would let me know. He did. And his passing was serene and peaceful. He actually stayed with me until I said ” it’s okay to go “. Through my conversations with Lisa, I too had the inner strength she conveyed to my dear Diesel, to give him permission to go and that I would be okay.

I see Lisa often and each time she asks about my family members and pets by name. She carries with her a sense of peace and tranquility that is truly, truly rare.

Lisa K.R.

My healing with Lisa was invaluable. My experience with Pure Spiritual Healing helped me realize I had the tools to cope with the stress and strain of life. I had them interspersed with Intuitive Counseling which helped me feel rejuvenated and calm both at the same time. Over the years, I’ve counted on Lisa’s care to help me through the challenges of life. Animal Healing for my 18 year old Maltese dog, who had spent his entire life in a small breeders cage, was truly a blessing. Lisa has a gift for healing methods and heart connection. This was truly an emotional healing for both of us. Her sessions with his tiny little body and soul made an incredible difference. She was able to transform him from his traumatized and fearful state to a calm, peaceful and loving state of being. I will always be so grateful for our healing time with her.

Wendy & Lambchop

Lisa and I met while we worked with animals from Hurricane Katrina through the Humane Society.  She gives her help in shelters and in peoples’ homes. She’s worked with my  dogs and cat over time, and each one loves their special Animal Healing time. It benefits them and me. Lisa gives healing words and special care in her quiet, peaceful presence and touch. It helps all of us. She works with all animals and their people in all circumstance of life. I highly recommend Lisa.

Sally D.

Lisa worked for the animals at Ionia Animal Shelter providing Animal Healing for our dogs and cats with dedication and a warm, compassionate interest in each one of them. She regularly worked with the animals when the shelter was closed, helping our animals individually and in small groups. She gave the animals a much needed relief from the stress and changes they experienced. Often, our animals settled into her care in a way that seemed to pass on from one animal to another in our shelter. For three years, Lisa was always available to us for special circumstances and to help our animals get ready for their new homes. She helped with challenges as we worked together to help our special needs animals.  Thank you for your wonderful care!

Carley Q.

Get Started Today

Using the e-mail form below is the preferred method of contact. Please call or text if you need to connect sooner: (269) 221-8335. Lisa will return your message during her next office hours.